From Just Busy To Blooming In Six Weeks
From Busy To Blooming In Six Weeks
With a powerful combination of tools, exercises, and business planning delivered on a weekly basis together with three personal coaching sessions. All it needs is an hour of your time each week, plus our coaching sessions together
Identify the parts of the business that you need to change.
Find out what takes up your time and energy and prune out the overgrown time-sucks.
Weed out the business elements responsible for the excess stress.
Re-state your lifestyle, income and legacy goals.
Eradicate the elements of today’s life that are standing in your way to you achieving your goals.
Reveal the core elements of what’s working in your existing business and what’s not, through examining your customer factory and your existing customer base.
Undertake some simple maths to discover whether you can harvest what you want from your existing customers.
Examine your business model and your numbers to check out the economics of your business.
Three ways to nurture yourself and improve your business results.
Three techniques to reclaim control over the time you spend working on your business.
Rid yourself of your habits that no longer serve you and build habits that will serve you as you bloom.
For just £397