My Story


I’ve made a few fresh starts, but as a coach for business owners, enabling others who are over 50 to make their best new start is the most rewarding. Being middle-aged has so many advantages too. We know who we are, more or less. We have bags of experience. We know what we want, or at least a strong sense of what we don’t. We know what our values and passions are and we crave a life filled with meaning and purpose. And that leads to our own purpose-driven business.

That often means impacting the world more positively as well as personal success.

This is where I can help because I’ve been there. Coaching business owners I get to use all my knowledge and experience gained over 30 years in various industries, start-ups as well as scaleups, agencies as well as manufacturing. I’ve experienced successes and failures and am driven to help people avoid the same mistakes I made and to help them achieve work or a business filled with an expression of who they are and what they want to offer the world.

My coaching sweet spot is founders who know their subject matter but are less sure of how to achieve sufficiency, sustainability or growth. Your initial confidence may have ebbed away, or you may just feel like your business is not working for you. I know that starting a business can feel like it’s all about survival, but it is possible to grow and be successful without losing yourself. I can help you gain the freedom to enjoy the life you want whilst sustainably increasing revenue and profit growth.

I’m naturally person-centred, playful and challenging in my approach. I’m also comfortable with uncertainty when you might be struggling to stick with it. I carry with me practical experience of many hundreds of businesses and their markets and different business and growth models.

Together we can create clarity to focus on your customers, whatever the market, whatever the product or service. To enable you to move your life and business life towards your passion; for the environment, social equity or humanity, towards you.


My Values

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Environmental Sustainability

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Social Equity

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Living with Pride


“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are”

- Max Depree